Whether you are aware of it or not, your oral health encompasses much more than just the health of your teeth. As a matter of fact, all components contained within the mouth – or oral cavity – contribute to your overall level of oral health. With this in mind, taking care of your smile should […]
Are You Ready For Your Fall Checkup?
Taking care of your smile is a lifelong endeavor and one that could certainly benefit from an update or two. Indeed, there are so many factors out there that can negatively influence your oral health, and unfortunately, not a lot of positive influences. Because of this, it is important we take strides to practice thorough […]
Functional Benefits Of Implant Dentures
Tooth loss is oftentimes a phenomenon that many people will push from the forefront of their minds. After all, if you practice regular dental prevention at home and attend your regularly-scheduled checkup and cleaning appointments all should be fine, right? On the contrary, dental issues can arise in any given manner, and the longer you […]
Implant Bridges And Your Smile
In our most recent blog, we took a look at instances in which a person may lose a tooth as an adult, as well as how a dental implant and crown restoration could address these needs in a lifelike manner. Indeed, tooth loss is a phenomenon that many of us do not like to think […]
Replacing Lost Teeth With Dental Implants
It goes without saying that losing a natural tooth as an adult is pretty much at the bottom of anyone’s list. After all, our teeth are among some of the most important structures in our smile, and without them, we would not be able to complete a host of functional tasks. On top of that, […]
Why We Recommend Wisdom Tooth Removal
When it comes down to it, the last thing a person wants to do is part ways with one or more of their natural teeth. In fact, extraction is one of the last options we consider, but sometimes it may be necessary to address a major concern. Though restorative dentistry can help address infections and […]
Taking A Look At Root Canal Therapy
Your teeth are some of the strongest bones in your body. They not only help you achieve routine tasks such as biting, chewing, and eating, but your teeth roots stabilize your crowns through a secure connection with the jaw in order to do so. That being said, keeping them happy and healthy is of the […]
Maintain A Dazzling Smile As You Age
Many people have serious concerns about how their smiles will hold up as they enter their later years. Osteoporosis affects many seniors, and this number may be underreported due to its silent nature. About half of women over the age of 50 will break a bone due to a lowered bone density! The numbers for […]
Restorative Benefits Of Dental Crowns
In our most recent blog, we detailed the dental decay process and discussed why it was so important to seek restorative treatment sooner rather than later. Indeed, the first course of action for tooth decay often includes a dental filling, which aims to remove the infection and fill the small cavity created with a composite […]
Don’t Wait To Seek A Dental Filling
There is nothing more rewarding than putting in the effort when it comes to your preventive dental routine and being able to sport a bright and vibrant smile in the process. Indeed, a healthy and beautiful smile is a goal many people strive to achieve, and given the number of oral health threats out there, […]