Although your preventive dental routine may come as second nature to you by now, it is important to recognize the potential impacts of thoughtless care. Indeed, waking up in the morning and brushing your teeth may come as muscle memory, but does this mean that it is still effective? In cases such as these, it […]
Restorative Treatment For Damaged Roots
Your smile’s health is the most important factor to consider when it comes to caring for your teeth. While many people place a great emphasis on their smile’s appearance, the truth is that this factor holds no weight if you do not have a healthy structural foundation, to begin with. Further, it only takes falling […]
Addressing Your Cavities With Restorative Care
It goes without saying that preventive dentistry is the name of the game when it comes to taking care of your smile. Not only is it important to make sure you are brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, but attending your routine checkups is a must. Even still, sometimes oral bacteria and other concerns may have […]
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Let’s Schedule Your Next Checkup
Taking care of your smile is a lifelong process, and it is important to provide care in both sickness and at the peak of your health. Indeed, various oral health threats are constantly coming into contact with your smile every day, and unfortunately, there are not nearly as many natural lines of defense. Because of […]
Oral Health Precautions When You Are Sick
It goes without saying that your smile is one of your greatest assets. Not only is it essential for various oral functions such as biting and chewing, but it works with other structures to perform tasks such as enunciating. Moreover, your smile is one of the first physical attributes someone notices about you, and therefore […]
Exploring Treatment With Porcelain Veneers
While you may feel unhappy with your smile today, there are treatment options available to make you more comfortable with your appearance in the near future. With a cosmetic dental procedure, you can see changes to the shape, size, and color of teeth in a short time. In fact, when you choose to receive veneers, […]
Can Your Dentist Help With Teeth Grinding?
When you catch yourself grinding or clenching your teeth during the day, you can make an effort to relax your jaw muscles and relieve the pressure. When you have a tendency to grind or clench while you sleep, your issues with bruxism can be harder to control, which leaves you vulnerable to problems with pain […]
How Crowns Support Vulnerable Teeth
There are times when teeth need to be restored due to dental decay or physical trauma, and in some of those times, a filling can provide too little support. In these situations, you will need a dental crown. With this type of restoration, we can cover your tooth and provide renewed bite support while keeping […]
Flossing And Your Smile Care Routine
What steps do you go through in the course of your smile care routine? If you want to make sure your teeth are properly cleaned, make sure your efforts include flossing! This practice tends to the spaces between your teeth, areas that are difficult to care for when you only brush. By flossing regularly, you […]
Reviewing Solutions For Dental Damage
Dental damage can become an immediate concern after a physical injury, or it can accumulate over time due to years of wear and tear. In either scenario, it can be hard to confidently show off your smile when you know that your enamel has been negatively altered. At our Kansas City, MO dentist’s office, we […]