12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Taking Care Of Your Dental Emergency

Taking Care Of Your Dental Emergency

Illustration of an isolated ambulance icon with a toothIt goes without saying that, if given the choice, no person would opt to have a tooth removed if it could be avoided. Indeed, we as a society tend to place a great emphasis on how our smiles appearance, and keeping them healthy and happy requires more effort than many are currently putting in. Even still, however, losing a tooth is hardly ever a choice, and more often than not is a result of a significant dental emergency. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO dentist explores what steps to keep in mind when presented with a dental emergency, as well as how our team can help.

The Importance of Staying Calm

Taking care of your smile involves a few different moving components, but arguably the most important involves prevention. You see, dental prevention is what lays the foundation for a healthy, lifelong grin, and without it, you wouldn’t get that far. Indeed, your dentist recommends a routine that consists of brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. Keep in mind, however, that while prevention is important, it is no match for every concern out there. As a matter of fact, dental emergencies can vary in terms of severity, and the sooner you seek treatment, the better.

While it is extremely difficult to anticipate an emergency, it is possible to prepare for one. This means making a contingency plan in the event that an emergency situation was to arise, including who you would contact, how you would get to our office, and what to do about missing, dislodged, or broken structures.

Above all else, however, it is important to remain calm. After all, acting in the moment might cause you to make mistakes, and a clear mind is an efficient one. For more information about this process, reach out to our team today.

Act with Efficiency

A second concept that goes hand-in-hand with staying calm in a dental emergency is acting with efficiency. This means contacting your emergency contact to help transport you to and from our office, as well as to give us a call and let us know you are coming.

Efficiency also means gathering any dislodged or broken structures and carefully placing them in a sealed or airtight container. Bring these with you to your visit, and we will handle it from there. Give our office a call to learn more.

Reach Out Immediately

Finally, it is important to recognize that time is of the essence. In fact, the effectiveness of your treatment may even be dependent on the precious seconds spent waiting and questioning what to do, and for this reason, our team encourages you to reach out immediately.

Learn More Today

Contact Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669 to schedule your next appointment with our team to learn more about what to do in a dental emergency and schedule your visit with our team today.

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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