12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Total Coverage With Bonding And Contouring

Total Coverage With Bonding And Contouring

samples of human teeth, dental equipment, enamel color samples on a light backgroundAn Impeccable smile is a feature many people wish to one day attain. Others, however, may have difficulties in this process due to unforeseen circumstances such as dental emergencies or accidents that occur out of the blue. While the worst cases of this scenario result in dislodged teeth and permanent damage, cases of chipped or cracked teeth are no better outcomes. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO dentist identifies the cosmetic issues that arise when facing a surface-level chip or crack and how bonding and contouring can help.

Worse Than a Stain

When people think of cosmetic dental concerns, the first issues to come to mind are often stains and discoloration. Indeed, factors such as your diet, your level of preventive care, your recreational activities, and more can influence discoloration, and stains can create an unsightly blemish in your appearance. Even age in and of itself causes a smile to lose its luster, so most adults can benefit from cosmetic dental treatment at least once in their lives.

What you might not be aware of, however, is that there are other cosmetic issues out there that can cause your grin to lose vibrancy as well. You see, you can endure chips or cracks that do not necessarily influence your health, but absolutely have an effect on your oral appearance.

Chips and cracks are arguably worse to deal with compared to stains, as these issues actually influence the structural shape. In other words, a simple bleaching procedure is not going to cut it. Fortunately, composite resin material can be used to address this concern by mimicking the natural shapes and textures of your teeth to reestablish a symmetrical appearance. For more information about this process, give our team a call.

Composite Resin Benefits

Cosmetic bonding and contouring is a process that aims to address surface-level chips, cracks, and even minor gaps between teeth with lifelike accuracy. It involves applying a composite resin material to the affected area, then contouring or shaping the material to satisfaction. Once this step has been accomplished, we utilize a special light to cure the material, and then you are good to go! Contact our office today to learn more about this process and how it influences your smile’s appearance.

Only Takes a Visit!

We recognize that it can be difficult to find the time in a hectic schedule for a smile enhancement, which is why bonding and contouring is an excellent solution for busy bodies! Indeed, the visit only requires one appointment to complete, and then you can enjoy the effects of your enhanced grin sooner rather than later.

Learn More Today

To learn more about the cosmetic benefits of bonding and contouring, contact Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669 and schedule your next visit with our team today.

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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