A good night’s sleep is good for your overall health. Unfortunately, when you suffer from bruxism it can become a problem for your smile! Nightly jaw clenching and grinding can wear down your enamel, place painful stress on your jaw joints and muscles, and eventually cause chips and cracks in teeth that need to be […]
How Your Diet Impacts Smile Health
Whether you are aware of it or not, your smile’s health is heavily influenced by a host of different factors. For example, your teeth become susceptible to tooth decay when the oral bacteria present in your grin feed off of certain foods and beverages. What’s more? A physical accident or injury can lead to damaging […]
Is Your At-Home Routine Enough?
Taking care of your smile is a lifelong endeavor. Not only is it important to attend your routine checkups and cleanings, but it is essential you are practicing quality at-home preventive care as well to fend off various bacterial threats. Indeed, these microorganisms come into contact with your smile on a regular basis, and without […]
Looking At Signs Of Gum Disease
By now, you are likely familiar with the need for regular preventive care. While dentistry in and of itself is a complex area of study in that virtually every concern has a corresponding treatment option, dental prevention is essential to the foundation of your smile’s health. Indeed, this process consists of at-home practices such as […]
Is Your Checkup Really That Important?
Whether you are aware of it or not, your smile is constantly on the defensive against a host of oral bacteria and germs. What’s more? These are only some of the many factors that can influence your oral health, and unfortunately, there are more negative points than there are positive ones. As such, it is […]
Keeping Plaque And Tartar Under Control
Dentistry in and of itself is a complex area of study, as there appears to be a solution for virtually every dental ailment. Though some treatment options are better suited for specific scenarios than others, it is always in better judgment to seek treatment as soon as humanly possible. Indeed, infections will only continue to […]
Considering Bridges And Dentures
In our previous blog, we took a look at the ways tooth loss as an adult can impact your oral, functional, and structural health. This is because the lack of a structure can lead to bone degradation, complications with properly absorbing bite pressure, and more. Though nobody’s first choice is to lose a permanent tooth, […]
Looking To Address Consistent Tooth Loss?
Nothing is more traumatizing than seeking treatment for a toothache or damaged tooth just to learn that your only viable option is a dental extraction. Indeed, losing a natural tooth is typically not on the forefront of a person’s mind, but when these issues arise, it is imperative you act with efficiency. In some situations, […]
Schedule Your Root Canal Treatment Today
Taking care of your smile is a lifelong process, and one that could benefit from an upgrade or a revisiting every once in a while. Indeed, the hustle and bustle of everyday life can quickly catch up with us, causing us to unintentionally place important practices on the sidelines. Though forgetting to floss a couple […]
Ways Your Smile Benefits From A Crown
In our previous dental blog, our team took a look at the effects of tooth decay and the formation of cavities. Though a cavity may be a common issue many people face at one point or another in their lives, that does not mean that it is one without complication. Indeed, oral bacteria and other […]