12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Treating Your Cavity With A Lifelike Filling

Treating Your Cavity With A Lifelike Filling

The development of a cavity is a problem that you need to bring to your dentist’s attention. Without treatment, this is an issue that will worsen, leading to complications that have to be dealt with. At our Kansas City, MO dentist’s office, we can make sure that the matter is fully addressed with a dental filling that imitates your healthy enamel. In addition to treating the damage to your tooth structure, this will preserve your appearance. When it is needed, we can provide care for advanced decay. This can be accomplished with a dental crown, a larger restoration that surrounds your tooth to keep it safe and secure.

Why Cavity Treatments Include Restorations

A dental filling is needed because damage to enamel is permanent whenever a cavity forms. Once you have a cavity, your dentist will have to do something about that harm so that you are not at risk for an infection or further physical damage. The good news is that because we provide lifelike fillings, we can address damage and preserve the way you look. A custom filling only needs to cover the area where damage took place. What this means is that the surrounding tooth structure is not changed, so more of your enamel remains intact and healthy.

How A Dental Filling Protects A Tooth

A dental filling is applied directly to the site of decay. Its coverage lets the surrounding structure stay safe from both infection and physical trauma. We use a composite material that both imitates the tooth structure and bonds to it. That bonding property helps provide stability and prevent issues with the restoration becoming loose or insecure. It only takes one appointment to place this restoration, so you can have results in less time.

We Can Help You Avoid Future Problems With Your Oral Health

Restorative treatments with dental fillings and dental crowns provide lasting protection while taking care of your smile. While this is important, remember that preventive dentistry is also important. The services that we offer to keep you experiencing issues with decay and gum disease should be scheduled on a semiannual basis to prevent trouble from developing over time. In addition to reviewing your teeth and gums, we provide cleanings that remove harmful bacteria that lead to future difficulties.

Talk To Your Kansas City, MO Dentist About Treatment For Your Cavity

Through treatments for active cavities, we can make sure that your smile is preserved, and that you have no further issues with decay. Our practice provides the appropriate restorative services when issues are present, but remember that we are also here to supply support to you when you need to schedule preventive appointments. If you would like to find out more, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO at 816-942-7669.

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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