Our team believes in a preventive approach to dental care, which could allow us to protect smiles from the onset of serious issues like tooth decay and periodontal disease. But how does preventive dentistry help your family’s smiles? In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist discusses the steps we take to keep smiles strong with preventive dentistry.
The Dental Exam
The most common component of preventive dentistry is the dental exam. You should have a checkup at least once every six months, so we can examine your smile with detailed digital imaging, making a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. The diagnosis will let us know what issues you have that need treatment, such as tooth decay, gingivitis, gum disease, infection, or even TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). We then offer treatment, often before you experience painful symptoms, and keep your smile strong and healthy.
Cleaning Your Teeth
In the same visit as your exam, we will also clean your teeth. With a dental cleaning, we will use an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick to gently and thoroughly remove all plaque and tartar from the teeth. Doing so helps limit the risk of cavities, gingivitis, gum disease, bad breath, and even teeth stains. The procedure only takes a few minutes and afterward, we will polish your teeth. Polishing your smile helps brighten it and also limits the severity of plaque and tartar buildup before your next visit.
Oral Cancer Screening
For adults, we will also conduct an oral cancer screening, using advanced imaging technology to look for signs of precancerous or cancerous tissues. According to The Oral Cancer Foundation, of the estimated 53,000 people who will be diagnosed with the disease this year, half will succumb to it in just five years. While oral cancer is treatable, it is rarely caught in the early stages. But with a screening, you increase your chances of an early diagnosis and full recovery.
Periodontal Cleaning
What if you have developed the symptoms of gum disease, such as sore, red gums that bleed easily, or recession that makes teeth appear long? Our team can reverse gingivitis and help manage gum disease with a periodontal cleaning. Like a traditional one, this also uses an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual pick. But this time, we’re removing buildup from the surfaces of the teeth and the exposed roots, and destroying pockets of bacteria beneath the gum line too. This could take one visit or as many as four, it all depends on the severity of your buildup. Afterward, we can then manage the issue with routine cleanings every three to four months. This helps you avoid the risk of periodontitis and tooth loss!
Care for Little Smiles
Our team also provides treatment for little smiles too. With children’s dentistry, we use preventive dentistry to reduce the risk of cavities and other concerns. Kids need routine checkups and cleanings every six months just like you, and these visits can help instill good oral health habits and limit the risk of dental anxiety. Our team could also discuss preventive treatments like fluoride varnish and dental sealants to help lower the risk of tooth decay in little smiles.
Bruxism Treatment
Do you grind your teeth? Chronic teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can cause discomfort and even damage your teeth, leaving you vulnerable to cavities and infection. Our team can offer treatment with preventive dentistry using custom oral appliances. Custom-fitted for your smile, these will look and fit like a mouthguard, and are worn as you sleep. Once in place, this helps reposition your jaw to ease stress and strain, and puts a barrier between your upper and lower sets of teeth to prevent further damage to them. Our team can also provide repair for any damage with bonding or custom crowns.
Brushing and Flossing at Home
We also want to discuss proper brushing and flossing habits so you and your family can better safeguard your smiles from home. For example, we want you to brush for two minutes when you wake up with fluoride toothpaste, and then do the same before you go to bed. Before bed you also need to floss to remove what a toothbrush alone cannot reach. If you have any questions about preventive dentistry, or if you need to schedule a visit with our team, please contact our office today!
Schedule An Appointment for Preventive Dentistry
With preventive dentistry, our team can offer care to keep teeth and gums strong. Schedule an appointment with Delightful Dental in Kansas City, MO, today at 816-942-7669 today.