12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

How We Boost Smiles With Cosmetic Dentistry

How We Boost Smiles With Cosmetic Dentistry

kansas city cosmetic dentistry

When you have issues with stains or other cosmetic concerns with your smile, we can help with cosmetic dentistry. With our treatments, we can help your smile shine! In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist talks about how we boost the beauty of your smile, often in as little as one visit, with cosmetic dentistry.

Starting with a Cosmetic Consultation

Do you have smile imperfections you want to see addressed? If so, schedule a cosmetic consultation with our team. We will conduct a detailed dental examination with advanced imaging technology, so we can understand the cause and extent of these esthetic issues, and plan treatment in detail to help you smile without hesitation. Cosmetic dentistry offers a full range of treatment options to help you smile with confidence again!

At-Home Teeth Whitening

If you have teeth stains, we want to help you enjoy a brighter smile. With our take-home teeth whitening kit, we can brighten smiles by up to eight shades in some cases. To begin, we will take impressions to create a set of plastic trays that fit comfortably. We then send the trays and a powerful bleaching gel home with you. At home, you will add gel to the trays and wear them for a set amount of time each day, usually about an hour. Optimal results only take one to two weeks, and you can keep the trays and any leftover gel for touch-ups as needed in the months to come.

Dental Bonding

What if you have permanent teeth stains that don’t respond well to teeth whitening, or issues with the shape of your tooth or teeth? Then we can help with cosmetic bonding! This uses the same composite resin material as our dental fillings, which we apply to the tooth in several layers. As we cure the composite resin under a light, we sculpt and mold the material, which has been shaded to blend with your tooth. Bonding masks permanent teeth stains, fills gaps and black triangle spaces between the teeth, and addresses misshapen teeth too. We can even lengthen worn down teeth too, all in one visit.

Dental Contouring

We also have another same-day cosmetic treatment with contouring. With this option, we actually sand and buff the outer structure to correct common esthetic complaints. For example, we can smooth away pits, grooves, and rough patches in the outer structures of your smile. Our team can dull sharp, pointed, or jagged portions of your teeth, and even correct the appearance of minor chips too. We can correct overly large or misshapen teeth as well.

Gum Contouring

What about the gums? If you show off too much gum when you smile, we can correct these in one visit with gum contouring. Using advanced laser dentistry, we will sculpt the gums and remove excess tissues, reshaping the gum line at the same time to offer an attractive appearance. Since we use lasers, the area heals quickly and you can return to your normal routine in as little as 24 hours.

Porcelain Veneers

For a complete smile makeover using a single treatment option, we can provide porcelain veneers. These are very thin shells of porcelain that we shade to blend with your smile. When placed onto the front facing side of a tooth, this instantly changes the shape and color. We shade them to bend with your smile too. Once placed, these can correct misshapen or damaged teeth, mask stains, close gaps between teeth, and even improve the appearance of minor misalignment too.

Clear Aligners

What if you have misalignment? To correct crowded, crooked, and overlapping teeth without the need for braces, our team could offer clear aligners. These are custom aligners made for your smile. You wear each set for 20 to 22 hours a day on average, for about two weeks. Then you move on to the next set in the series, and continue this until you obtain an even smile, which could happen in as little as one year.


To help ease the stress and strain behind oral health issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) we may administer Botox injections. In addition to improving your oral health and easing discomfort, this can also ease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, so you have a younger appearance.

Schedule A Cosmetic Dental Appointment With Our Team Today

We want to help you gain results that look good and help you feel confident in your smile, which is why we offer cosmetic dentistry. To schedule an appointment with the team at Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, call our office today at 816-942-7669.

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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