12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Limiting Work On Your Tooth Structure During Cosmetic Care

Limiting Work On Your Tooth Structure During Cosmetic Care

As much as you might love the idea of showing off a better smile, you can be concerned about the amount of work required during a cosmetic dental procedure. What you can find is that Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO is able to make impressive corrections while doing relatively little to your tooth structure. Placing custom porcelain veneers on your teeth can make them look brighter, healthier, and more even. This can even work well as as solution to some alignment problems! The placement of veneers is one of several cosmetic treatment options open to you. You can talk to Dr. Tabakh to learn about the many avenues for improvement that are available.

Using Advanced Tools To Plan Your Porcelain Veneers

Your porcelain veneers can hide smile flaws while making minimal changes to your tooth structure. This is because they are remarkably slim, and carefully designed to cover the front of your teeth. Dr. Tabakh will make sure your veneers are the right size by carefully studying your teeth with advanced digital tools. The digital measurements taken will be used to construct your personalized cosmetic restorations. While they are impressively thin, they are durable enough to maintain your improvements for many years.

What Can Your Veneers Do To Improve Your Smile?

Veneers cover up problems with dental damage, issues with teeth that are a poor fit for your smile due to their natural shape or size, and help hide blemishes. In fact, veneers are sometimes used to improve issues with discoloration a teeth whitening treatment may fail to properly address. It is sometimes possible to use veneers to correct problems with dental alignment. With that said, clear aligners may be recommended to help you with gaps and overlaps, depending on how severe they are.

Learning More About Your Cosmetic Treatment Options

Veneers offer a path to a better, brighter smile, but there are other paths you can take. You can arrange a meeting to discuss a whitening treatment in order to fight accumulated teeth stains. You can also discuss a dental bonding procedure with Dr. Tabakh. Bonding and contouring work can provide big changes while doing little to change your tooth structure. This approach makes improvements without requiring the permanent placement of a dental restoration.

Talk To Delightful Dental Care About Arranging Cosmetic Treatment

Delightful Dental Care is proud to offer a wide range of cosmetic services, including the placement of porcelain veneers! Our practice is ready to take on the smile concerns of residents of Kansas City, MO, and those in neighboring and nearby areas. If you are eager to learn more about our cosmetic care, or if you have oral health concerns you wish to address, please contact Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669!

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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