12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Considering Bridges And Dentures

Considering Bridges And Dentures

Close-up human denture of the upper jaw on a blue background in the hand of dentist wearing a medical gloveIn our previous blog, we took a look at the ways tooth loss as an adult can impact your oral, functional, and structural health. This is because the lack of a structure can lead to bone degradation, complications with properly absorbing bite pressure, and more. Though nobody’s first choice is to lose a permanent tooth, sometimes it is unavoidable when your health is in question. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO dentist explains that you are not destined to sport an incomplete smile for the rest of your life, and various restorations exist to address your unique needs.

Various Solutions for Tooth Loss

Whether you are aware of it or not, tooth loss as an adult is troubling, as it indicates permanent damage without a new tooth to take its place. Indeed, the last thing anyone wants to do is make the difficult decision to have a structure removed, but unfortunately, this is not an option in many circumstances. Though it takes time for damage to accrue to the point of significant infection, more often than not, a person is not aware anything is wrong until the issue has progressed greatly.

As a result of situations such as the one described above, tooth loss may seem to suddenly appear, but know that it has been in the works on a microscopic level for much longer than you think.

Though you may have crossed paths with decay and experienced tooth loss, it is important to note that you do not have to let it end at just that. As a matter of fact, our team encourages our patients to seek restorative care in order to prioritize their oral health overall. To learn more about this process and how we can help, give us a call today.

Functional Benefits of Implants

When having to endure the loss of several consecutive or spread-out teeth, it can become easy to feel hopeless and out of options. Fortunately, this is where dental implants come in to help! You see, implants consist of biocompatible posts that function as artificial roots to help your new crown restoration properly absorb the pressure of your bite. Contact our office today to learn more about this process.

Providing the Support You Need

Even in the event of losing several or all of your natural structures, an implant-retained bridge or denture can help. These restorations are placed in such a way to promote proper bite absorption and produces appropriate levels of support. Additionally, each option can be customized to your exact smile and thus addresses your unique needs.

Learn More Today

To learn more about the various restorative and reconstructive dental services our team has to offer, contact Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669 to schedule your next appointment with our team today.

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To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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