12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Preventive Dentistry Keeps Your Smile Strong

Preventive Dentistry Keeps Your Smile Strong

kansas city preventive dentistry

Our team believes in taking a more preventive approach to dental care, offering noninvasive treatments to keep serious issues like tooth decay or gum disease at bay. Our preventive treatments can help smiles of all ages, from kids to adults. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist talks about what to expect from our preventive dental visits. With preventive dentistry, we’re ready to help you smile with confidence for years to come, and enjoy optimal oral health.

Starting with a Checkup and Cleaning

To begin, we want to see you and your family for a checkup visit. During the exam, we will talk to you about your oral hygiene habits, and closely examine your teeth and gum with advanced imaging technology, so we can make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. Once we discover areas of concern, such as tooth decay or the presence of gum disease, we will create a personalized treatment plan to address these concerns and improve your oral health.

In the same sitting, our team will conduct a dental cleaning, in which we remove all plaque and tartar from the teeth with an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool. The procedure takes only a short period and helps lower the risk of cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and even teeth stains! We then polish the teeth for a brighter appearance and to limit the amount of buildup that can occur before your next dental cleaning. For kids, we also take time to talk to them about the importance of good oral hygiene, and these visits can help them avoid dental anxiety, as they grow used to seeing the dentist for routine visits.

Treatment for Children of All Ages

Our team can offer unique treatments to help kids enjoy better oral health. Along with routine checkups and cleanings, we can also offer fluoride in a varnish form, which we apply to the teeth to strengthen the outer enamel and prevent the onset of tooth decay. Many kids have trouble reaching the rear teeth, so these molars tend to develop tooth decay, as food and drink particles become trapped between them. But with dental sealants, our team can apply a special acrylic coating to them that prevents food and drink particles from being trapped between them and lowers the risk of tooth decay. Thes can stay in place for up to ten years, and wear away gradually with time. As they wear away, they cling the longest to the more vulnerable portions of your child’s smile.

Appliances for Bruxism

Bruxism, or chronic teeth grinding, is a serious oral health issue that if left unchecked, could damage and wear down teeth, altering the beauty of your smile and leaving you vulnerable to issues like tooth decay and infection. Bruxism could occur due to high stress levels, untreated TMJ disorder, or issues with bite balance, such as misalignment, missing teeth, injury, or complications with the growth and development of your smile. When you grind your teeth, you may notice toothaches, sensitivity, headaches, jaw and facial pain, and other aches and pains. Our team can help with an oral appliance. The device is custom-made for your smile and worn as you sleep. It fits like a simple mouthguard, but actually repositions the jaw to prevent bruxism episodes. This also puts a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, so you can avoid further damage. The oral appliance is easy to use and clean, and can travel with you too!

Counseling for Smile Improvement

Our team would love to talk to you and your family about ways you can improve your oral hygiene from home! For example, we can discuss proper brushing and flossing habits to remove stray food particles, and discuss the right mouthwashes to use to help destroy harmful oral bacteria and safeguard your smile. We can also talk about healthy snack and meal options, so you can enjoy items that provide essential vitamins and nutrients, and also lower your risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease. These actions can help you and your loved ones enjoy strong and beautiful smiles for years to come!

If you have any questions about preventive dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more or schedule your dental checkup and cleaning visit.

Do You Need Preventive Dental Care?

Our team wants to help you and your family maintain good oral health with a preventive approach. Call our team in Kansas City, MO at (816)942-7669 to start your journey to a bright and healthy smile. Preventive dentistry can help the youngest and oldest members of your family, and everyone in between too, so reach out today!

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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