Taking care of your smile is something you likely feel like you have down. After all, an effective routine can lead to a lifelong smile, right? In all actuality, it is important to recognize that there are several factors out there that can negatively influence your grin, and even with the most detailed routine in the world, it only takes one instance of falling short for bacteria to start wreaking havoc. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO dentist explains the important role of restorative dental care and what your in-office treatment options look like.
What is Restorative Care?
It goes without saying that preventive dentistry is the name of the game when it comes to taking care of your smile and protecting it from harm. Typically, dental prevention consists of brushing twice a day, flossing between meals or at least once a day, and attending routine six-month checkup appointments.
Though prevention is your first line of defense against bacteria-related issues, keep in mind that it is no match for physical injuries or accidents, among other factors. Moreover, there are several factors out there that can pose a threat to your oral health, and unfortunately, not much in terms of natural defenses. Because of this, it is important to learn about your restorative dental options.
Restorative dentistry consists of treatments that aim to mitigate the spreading of infection, address damage, and otherwise restore your structures so your smile can go back to previous levels of functioning. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.
Fillings Address Cavities
One of the most common dental concerns out there involves cavity formation. In fact, many people will experience a cavity at least once in their lives, especially if they got a late start to effective dental prevention practices.
The culprit behind cavities is none other than dental decay, a phenomenon that occurs when oral bacteria feed on sugar particles and produce a destructive acid that eats away at your tooth’s structure. Over time, this process causes a small hole to form – a cavity – that serves as a tunnel into your inner tooth. It is wise to seek restorative treatment sooner rather than later, and your best option for the early stages of decay involves a composite dental filling.
The Many Roles of Crowns
Another form of restorative treatment that you may already be familiar with is a dental crown. This restoration consists of a hollow, tooth-colored cap that is placed securely around a specified tooth. It is designed with your measurements in mind, allowing for an air-tight seal of protection.
Crowns can be used to treat a variety of concerns and can even be used in support of other restorative treatments. For instance, a dentist performing a root canal may opt to place a crown over the affected tooth, as this helps protect the structure from harm and allows it to heal properly. Crowns can also be used to prevent a spreading infection such as tooth decay. For more information about this process, give our team a call.
Saving Your Tooth With Root Canal Therapy
When a patient expresses major discomfort, sensitivity, or pain in a tooth, it could be an indicator that an infection has significantly spread to the sensitive nerves housed in your teeth roots. Waiting any longer to seek treatment could result in the loss of the tooth, so it is important you come in to see our team right away.
To treat situations such as this, our team would utilize root canal therapy. This process involves carefully but thoroughly removing the infected dental pulp from within your roots, cleaning the area, and then filling the hollow canals with dental material to provide structural support. Once treatment is complete, it is important you allow the structure to heal properly.
When You Might Need an Extraction
The last thing you want to experience is the loss of a permanent tooth, and our team will do everything in our power to preserve your natural teeth. Unfortunately, there are some circumstances that can arise warranting the need for a dental extraction. Ask our team about the benefits of removing a compromised tooth rather than letting it fall out on its own.
A Functional Need for Dental Implants
Though an extraction can help prevent a serious infection from spreading to your other structures, a new set of complications may arise from a missing tooth. Because each crown is intended to support a certain amount of bite pressure, missing even a single tooth is enough to throw your bite function out of whack. Fortunately, dental implants can help. Give our team a call to learn more about the functional and structural benefits of implants.
Full-Smile Rehabilitation
Experiencing the loss of several teeth can significantly impact your smile’s ability to function properly. Indeed, tasks such as biting, chewing, and eating become much more of a chore than they have to be, and it can be disheartening to endure. To address these issues, an excellent restorative option to pursue might include dental bridges or dentures. Once your custom bridge or denture is complete, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of a realistic and functional smile once more.
Give Our Office a Call
Contact Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669 to learn more about your restorative dental care options and schedule your next appointment with our team today.