12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

When Might You Need A Tooth Extracted?

When Might You Need A Tooth Extracted?

broken tooth, ready to fill with a post and core after root canal

It goes without saying that the last thing a person would want to experience is the loss of a tooth. If this were to occur, fortunately, our team can help with a variety of implant-retained restorative options. In some circumstances, however, having a tooth removed could actually be better for your oral health overall. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO dentist discusses the situations that could warrant tooth removal and offers treatment solutions to help.

Significant Infection Beyond Repair

While some of the strongest bones in the body, teeth are highly susceptible to many outside concerns. To begin with, tooth decay is among the most common of oral health concerns out there, affection millions of people annually. If left untreated or unmanaged, it will continue to spread throughout a tooth until it has been compromised. Fortunately, early intervention restorative measures such as a filling or root canal may be able to help salvage the structure.

In the event a tooth is infected beyond a certain extent, a restoration may fail. At this stage, the next best course of action may be to have it removed, otherwise the infection will continue to wreak havoc on nearby healthy structures. By removing the damaged tooth, we are able to mitigate the infection from spreading, thus sparing your remaining healthy teeth. To learn more about the benefits of dental extraction for severely infected smiles, contact our team today.

Broken and Shattered Structures

Another instance that may warrant removal is if a tooth becomes significantly broken or shattered. You see, your sensitive nerves are housed within the tooth roots, and major damage can leave them exposed to harmful bacteria. Moreover, food and other substances can get lodged between the fractured area, promoting a greater likelihood of developing an infection and suffering serious nerve and structural damage. If you obtained a serious crack, shattered a tooth, or are experiencing significant pain, it is important you reach out to your Kansas City, MO dentist to learn about your treatment options.

Treatment for Missing Teeth

Although it is important to remove major threats to your oral health, it is also important to recognize the potential complications leaving a gap in your grin can cause. For instance, a gap may make it difficult to properly eat, chew, or enunciate. It can also lead to jawbone erosion, as roots stimulate the bone to keep it strong and sturdy. The longer you wait to seek care, the more difficult it will be to receive dental implants in the future due to a lack of enough structural support.

Learn More Today

Whether you are in need of a tooth extraction or are unsure but are experiencing pain, it is always better to set an appointment with your implant dentist sooner rather than later. Schedule your appointment with Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669.

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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