12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Masking Imperfections With Porcelain Veneers

Masking Imperfections With Porcelain Veneers

delightful veneers

When you have several cosmetic imperfections, then you need a cosmetic treatment designed to transform smiles. To mask these blemishes, we can offer custom and long-lasting porcelain veneers. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO, dentist talks about how we help smiles shine with porcelain veneers, so you can feel proud to show off your pearly whites!

The Cosmetic Imperfections That Veneers Address

What imperfections can we mask with our porcelain veneers? Our team can reshape malformed teeth or even repair minor damage. We can add length to teeth worn down by bruxism (teeth grinding) and also close gaps and black triangle spaces between teeth. Placement can mask permanent teeth stains, the type that could resist teeth whitening. In addition, we can correct the appearance of minor misalignment, providing a straighter looking smile without the need for braces or aligners. For some, this is a smile makeover in only two visits.

Creating Your Custom Restorations

Each one we place will be custom-made for your smile. To begin, our team will numb the teeth being treated so we can gently and comfortably remove a thin layer of tooth enamel. Once we do, our team will take detailed digital images and measurements of the teeth, which we use in a lab setting to design and craft the finished restorations. Each one is a thin shell of porcelain, a material that can handle daily bite forces and pressures, and also be color matched to blend with your smile seamlessly too.

Placing and Maintaining Your New Veneers

When your new custom restorations are ready, our team will check the fit and then make any necessary final adjustments. Our team will then attach them with a powerful bonding agent, one that secures them for decades to come. To keep them bright and also secure the tooth we have attached one to, you need to brush and floss as you would for your natural teeth. Cutting back on sugar and starch in your diet is helpful too, as is seeing our team for checkups and cleanings every six months. If you have any questions about how we transform smile beauty with one or more of our porcelain veneers, or if you want to see if these are right for your smile, then contact our team today to learn more!

Schedule A Cosmetic Appointment With Our Team Today

We want to offer cosmetic restorations to improve the beauty of your smile. To schedule an appointment with the team at Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, call our office today at 816-942-7669. With cosmetic dentistry, we not only make your smile more attractive, but we can also address concerns with the health and stability of your smile in many cases too.

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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