12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Keep Your Smile Safe With Preventive Care

Keep Your Smile Safe With Preventive Care

Kansas City, MO, dentist offers preventive care including checkups, cleanings, and more

In a recent blog, we discussed some of the restorative methods we offer to keep your smile safe. Fillings can be done to restore your tooth after a cavity, or a crown can be added over a pearly white that has been broken. While these options are helpful, one of the best things you can do for your oral health is keep common oral health problems at bay with a good oral hygiene routine. This includes a good diet, at home habits, and visiting your dentist regularly for checkups. These steps can help avoid cavities and prevent many major smile problems. Your team at Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, is here today to talk about the benefits of preventive care.

Keep Your Teeth Clean And Detect Problems Early

Care for your teeth and gums should start at home. Make sure to brush and floss at least twice a day, or more often if you frequently snack or sip on beverages throughout the day. These at home oral hygiene steps help remove food particles and bacteria that may accumulate throughout the day. Checkups should also be done at least twice a year to provide you with a deeper cleaning and examine your oral cavity. When you come in for your checkup, a hygienist will clean your teeth to remove plaque buildup and bacteria. They may also polish your teeth or add a fluoride treatment for additional protection. After this, your smile will be examined to check for signs of decay, gingivitis, and other oral health concerns. These checkups help detect concerns early so that they can be treated promptly.

A Caring Approach For Kids

Kids can begin seeing the dentist as soon as they develop their very first tooth. This may seem early, but it’s important to get them used to this routine starting at a young age. Before this, you can get them used to a hygiene routine by cleaning your baby’s gums. Once their first baby tooth erupts, you can bring them in for a checkup. This visit is used to get to know their dentist and establish a base for care. Regular checkups can begin around the age of three years old and should continue into adulthood. Cavities are a common occurring problem for younger patients, so the team can help teach your little one good habits and provide dental sealants or fluoride to protect their pearly whites. If your child does develop a cavity, dental fillings can be done to restore their tooth and prevent premature tooth loss.

Address Chronic Teeth Grinding

Your dentist can help with many concerns other than cavities and gum disease. Another frequent issue that patients may experience is frequent headaches, jaw pain, and tooth sensitivity. While these symptoms may seem unrelated, they could be a sign of bruxism. Bruxism causes patients to chronically grind their teeth when they are not aware of it. This often happens when you are asleep and can be difficult to identify on your own. Your dentist may be able to see signs of it during your biannual examination if your dental structures look excessively worn down. This can often be treated with an oral appliance, which is a non-invasive device that is worn while you sleep. It can protect your teeth from grinding against each other and bring relief to your symptoms. Additional restorations, like fillings or dental crowns, can be done to repair and protect your worn down teeth.

Teaching You Better Tips For Hygiene

Another reason it’s important to see your dentist regularly is to learn more about your oral hygiene routine and how to best improve it. You may believe you have a great hygiene routine down, but our team of professionals can identify areas you may be missing so that you can improve them. For example, if you have a fairly good oral hygiene routine but a poor diet, you may frequently experience cavities. You can improve this by eating a more well-rounded diet that includes fruits and vegetables. If you have concerns with your smile’s health or appearance, we can guide you through options for restorative care or cosmetic improvements. For instance, many patients worry about their teeth becoming discolored over time. A simple whitening treatment may be able to refresh your smile and brighten your pearly whites.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team Today

Our preventive services help protect your oral health and avoid common oral health issues like cavities, gingivitis, and more. To schedule an appointment with the team at Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, call our office today at 816-942-7669.

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To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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