12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Fix A Gummy Smile With Contouring

Fix A Gummy Smile With Contouring

Kansas City, MO, dentist offers gum contouring

When you think about making improvements to your smile, many people think about removing stains or correcting blemishes on their teeth. However, your gums play a large role in the appearance of your grin as well. The team at Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, offers treatments that can help correct the appearance of this tissue and boost your confidence. In today’s blog, we’re here to discuss how gum contouring works and who may benefit from it.

Ensuring Your Gums Are In Good Health

With any cosmetic improvement, it’s important that your smile is in good health before making these alterations. Your dentist will first examine your oral cavity to ensure that your gums do not show signs of gingivitis and that your teeth are healthy as well. If there are any concerns with your soft tissue or pearly whites, these will need to be treated first with restorations. For example, if you have signs of gingivitis or periodontal disease, your dentist can schedule deep cleanings to remove plaque buildup and renew your tissue health. Signs of gingivitis may include swollen tissue or bleeding when you floss. It’s important that this is treated as soon as possible to avoid the infection from worsening and further harming your oral health.

Reshaping Your Gum Tissue To Improve Your Look

Tissue contouring may be beneficial for patients with excessive amounts of tissue that make their teeth appear small or uneven. After you have had a consultation with your dentist and are approved for this cosmetic enhancement, the procedure can be scheduled. For this treatment, we use a calibrated laser that helps gently remove extra tissue or reshape it to better form your smile. By using a laser for this method, you can feel more comfortable throughout the procedure, have a faster healing time, and the results will be more precise. After your treatment, your dentist will give you specific aftercare instructions so that you heal properly.

Pair This With Tooth Contouring

You can have this improvement done on its own, or you can pair it with other cosmetic options to makeover your smile. One option would be to pair it with a tooth bonding and contouring service. Contouring your teeth can help correct pointy or jagged dental structures and leave you with a more uniform appearance. Like with gum contouring, you will need to have your smile examined to ensure this is a good option for your personal needs. Tooth reshaping can also be paired with bonding, where material is added to blemishes or small chips on your pearly whites to achieve a more symmetrical look.

Ask Us About Cosmetic Improvements!

We want you to feel confident in your smile. To schedule an appointment with Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, call our team today at (816)942-7669.

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To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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