12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Scheduling Your Child’s Next Dental Checkup

Scheduling Your Child’s Next Dental Checkup

Kansas City, MO, Children's Dentistry

Has it been more than six months since your little one’s last cleaning and exam? Routine dental visits help your children learn the habits necessary to preserve a healthy smile. By clearing bacteria from the surface of their teeth, we help prevent tooth decay and gum disease from causing harm. By encouraging your little ones to practice brushing and flossing each day, they acquire the skills to take care of their smiles on their own.

At your Kansas City, MO, dental practice, we offer special services for children’s smiles. This makes us a one-stop location for your entire family’s oral health needs. Extra treatments like dental sealants and fluoride application protect the smile’s surface from cavities while little hands learn to properly clean the entirety of a tooth’s surface. In today’s blog, we talk about the preventative treatments we offer to fight decay and gum infection.

Pediatric Cleanings And Checkups

When your child reaches their second birthday, we recommend scheduling semiannual checkups to help treat their smile. By performing regular examinations, we can monitor the growth of their oral structures to see that everything is coming in as expected. Problems with misalignment, tooth decay, and gum disease, can be detected at these appointments, leading to conservative treatments before they get out of hand. At each visit, a hygienist will remove bacterial plaque and tartar left behind after their brushing routine. Identifying parts of the smile that require additional care can give guidance to your little one.

Cavity Prevention

Meeting with our team can help protect your child’s smile from tooth decay. At each visit, we will perform a fluoride treatment that remineralizes the surface enamel of each tooth. This gel helps minimize the likelihood of cavities by restoring areas hurt by decay. After receiving a fluoride application, we ask that your young one not eat or drink for 30 minutes. Similarly, we encourage you to select a fluoride-based toothpaste for remineralizing your teeth at home.

A Treatment For Cavities

If we suspect a cavity during your child’s checkup, we will take an X-ray of the problem tooth. We recommend placing fillings and clearing all decaying material as soon as we find it. Using a biocompatible composite resin, we can match the color of your child’s filling to their smile. Restoring their tooth allows their bite to remain intact as their jaw continues to grow. This allows the tooth to remain in place until the natural time for falling out.


We want to help your kids start a new school year with their best possible smile! Learn more about children’s dentistry and schedule an appointment with our team at Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO at (816)942-7669!

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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