Our most recent blog post explores the extent to which tooth decay spreads and affects our teeth, as well as what treatment options are available for damaged teeth roots. Restorative treatment options are important to pursue as soon as possible, as a dental infection is almost always guaranteed to get worse over time. In some cases when timely treatment is not sought, the result could lead to tooth loss or a need for dental extraction. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO dentist takes a look at instances in which dental extraction is needed to prioritize your oral health.
Impacted Teeth
It goes without saying that your smile is constantly on the defensive against a host of oral health threats. While the most common may present themselves in the form of tooth decay, gum infection, and other diseases, other issues such as your diet, your level of preventive care, physical injuries, and even structural development can lead to health complications.
Taking a look at structural development, in particular, we know that everyone goes through a period of time where they lose baby teeth to make room for their more permanent adult teeth. We also know that later in adolescence, wisdom teeth can erupt behind the back molars in the mouth. The problem is, however, that wisdom teeth have a high potential for failing to erupt, erupting partially, or becoming impacted.
Wisdom teeth are also considered to be non-essential for oral function, so impacted structures are often recommended to be removed through extraction. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give our office a call today.
A Threat to Surrounding Structures
Another circumstance in which your dentist may recommend that a structure be removed includes if it becomes a threat to your surrounding healthy teeth. Looking back at the example of tooth decay, we know that it will continue to spread until it has compromised a tooth. Moreover, the infection itself is created by oral bacteria, meaning it is not specific to the structure infected. In other words, the issue can and will spread to neighboring teeth until your entire smile is compromised. To eliminate the issue at the source, your dentist may recommend an extraction. Contact our team to learn more today.
Past the Point of No Return
Finally, a tooth that is so compromised that it is past the point of return is better of being removed. Although restorative treatment exists in many forms to address varying degrees of damage, there is such a thing as past the point of return. In cases such as this, the best treatment option out there is removal.
Learn More Today
Contact Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the times it may be necessary to have a tooth removed.