12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Rejuvenating Your Smile With Veneers

Rejuvenating Your Smile With Veneers

Healthy white smile close up. Adult beautiful blond woman with white veneers on the teeth. Beauty woman with perfect smile, lips and teeth. Teeth whitening.It goes without saying that over time, your smile endures significant wear and tear. Indeed, you may be taking every stride possible to ensure your grin is protected and cared for at every opportunity, but that does not negate the fact that time in and of itself is a contributing factor to a duller smile. Fortunately, cosmetic dental treatment has you covered. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO dentist explores possible treatment options for a smile riddled with surface-level blemishes, and discusses the ways porcelain veneers can help.

Combatting Years of Wear and Tear

Whether you are aware of it or not, age in and of itself is a contributing factor to a duller smile. Indeed, items such as the foods you consume, the beverages you drink, and even your level of regular preventive care influence these factors, and unfortunately, stains are more common than you may thin. What’s more? A chip or crack can occur at any time to any person, causing your smile to appear damage or asymmetrical.

The only thing worse than experiencing a single stain, crack, or chip on a tooth is to experience multiple scattered throughout your grin. While cosmetic treatments exist to address each issue individually, receiving various treatments in one sitting is not recommended. Fortunately, our team may just have the answer you are looking for.

You see, whitening may be helpful for stains and bonding can address chips and cracks, but porcelain veneers can do it all. This process consists of bonding an ultra-thin shell of dental porcelain to the front of a tooth, and then you are on your way to enjoying your more-consistent grin. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Efficient Treatment

While you may be led to believe that cosmetic care is extensive in nature, in all actuality, it is relatively non-invasive. The veneer process only takes two appointments to complete, and it only requires a minimal amount of enamel sculpting to place. It begins by obtaining your impressions so as to create porcelain shells designed to mimic your natural tooth texture. Once they have been placed and bonded, you are all good to go! Contact our office to learn more.

Enjoying Your Lifelike Results

One of the major benefits of cosmetic dentistry and porcelain veneers is that the finished product is virtually seamless to the naked eye. For example, we shade-match the porcelain shells to the hue of your natural smile. What’s more? We utilize dental porcelain, as it bears an uncanny resemblance to real-life teeth.

Learn More Today

To learn more about your cosmetic dental options and how our team can help, contact Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669 and schedule your next appointment with our office today.

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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