12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Ways To Address Tooth Loss

Ways To Address Tooth Loss

Teeth loss concept. Wooden jaw model with missing or extracted tooth with sad emoji on pink background. Poor oral hygiene, dental problems concept. High quality photoWhether you are aware of it or not, your smile is constantly on the defensive against a host of factors. Indeed, everything from the types of foods and beverages you consume to how often you practice preventive care and everything else in-between, there is not much that your smile is truly immune to. While the thought of losing a permanent structure may be the farthest thing from someone’s mind, the truth is that it sometimes is necessary to protect your oral health overall. In today’s blog, your Kansas City, MO dentist explores the possible situations in which you may require a dental extraction and how we have treatment to help.

Why You May Need an Extraction

It goes without saying that, when it comes down to it, nobody wants to lose a natural tooth. After all, losing structures as a child is a normal process that results in the structures being replaced with larger, permanent teeth. Losing them as an adult, however, results in having to sport a permanent gap in your grin.

Indeed, a structure will not simply grow back, making this process even more troubling for adults enduring dental concerns. What’s more? Dental infections such as gum disease and tooth decay can result in significant damage that not only threatens your surrounding healthy teeth, but can result in the need for a dental extraction as well.

Though this is nobody’s first choice, sometimes the sacrifice must be made when your oral health is brought into question. Just because this is the case, however, it does not mean you are destined to sport a gap-filled grin. To learn more about this process and how our team can help, give us a call today.

Functional Benefits of Implants

Believe it or not, there are actually a few complications that arise when a tooth is missing as well. For example, performing routine tasks such as biting, chewing, and eating can become increasingly more difficult without a full set of teeth to properly absorb your bite’s pressure. Fortunately, advances in dental technology have the answer.

You see, implant dentistry utilizes biocompatible titanium posts to mimic the natural function of your teeth roots. In other words, it allows your new crown restoration to absorb your bite’s pressure as normal, thus restoring oral function. Contact our team to learn more today.

A Lifelike Finish

In addition to the functional benefits of dental implants, our team is able to help complete your smile once more with lifelike accuracy. In fact, your custom implant restoration can be shade-matched to the natural hue of your smile so as to provide a seamless finish.

Learn More Today

Contact Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669 to schedule your next appointment with our team and learn more about the amazing benefits of implant dentistry.

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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