12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

Can I Really Receive A Dental Filling With No Amalgam Material?

Can I Really Receive A Dental Filling With No Amalgam Material?

Are you in need of restorative dental work for a cavity? Issues with tooth decay can be frustrating and worrying for patients. You can be unsure about how much harm your tooth has already experienced, and you can be fearful that the restoration you receive will hurt your smile. At our Kansas City, MO dental practice, we offer metal-free dental fillings for cavity treatment. With a metal-free dental filling, your tooth can receive important support that does not disrupt its appearance. In addition to being more attractive, amalgam-free fillings are able to bond directly to your tooth structure. If you have a larger cavity, an attractive, metal-free dental crown can be produced in just one appointment thanks to CEREC technology at our practice.

Our Modern Dental Fillings Can Preserve Your Appearance

Patients who have received amalgam fillings in the past can recall feeling frustrated at how their restoration stood out when placed. Because of this, they can be uncomfortable with the idea of restorative dental work today. What you should know is that a filling made from biocompatible resin can match the appearance of your enamel. Dr. Tabakh can make sure the material matches the color of your tooth structure, so your filling is hard to observe.

Receiving A Composite Resin Filling

Composite resin fillings provide a durable and attractive solution for your smile concerns when you have a cavity. Unlike a metal filling, a biocompatible filling is able to bond with your enamel when placed. That bonding process keeps your restoration secure, so you can feel confident that your tooth has adequate protection.

Your dental filling is put in place after material damaged by your cavity is removed. After carefully clearing away the portion of your enamel affected by your decay, the resin material is directly applied to this area. Once the material hardens, you can enjoy lasting protection without a change to your smile.

Our Goal Is To Provide Dental Care That Preserves Your Smile, And Your Oral Health!

At our family dental office, we are committed to helping people keep their teeth and gums in wonderful health! If you need restorative work because of tooth decay, we provide treatment with lifelike materials, so your smile and oral health needs are met. We can also welcome you for regular dental exams. At every visit, patients’ teeth are thoroughly cleaned, and they undergo a review that can lead to the discovery of any problems that might require attention. We can also offer counseling about better daily dental care habits to help you avoid future cavities.

Talk To Delightful Dental Care About Receiving A Lifelike, Amalgam-Free Dental Filling For Your Cavity

Patients can count on lasting support from discreet, metal-free dental fillings provided by Delightful Dental Care! To learn more, or to set up an appointment, please call our Kansas City, MO dental practice at 816-942-7669.

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To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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