12927 State Line Rd., Kansas City, MO 64145

How A Modern Filling Protects Your Tooth, And Your Smile

How A Modern Filling Protects Your Tooth, And Your Smile

Tooth decay is no minor threat to your oral health – even a small cavity does permanent damage to your tooth structure. To address this, your Kansas City, MO dentist, Dr. Tabakh, will need to place a durable restoration that can keep your tooth safe against a new infection, while also providing valuable functional support. In many cases, patients can receive dental fillings for tooth decay. Fillings are put in the place where a cavity was removed. At our family dental practice, we use modern, biocompatible materials to craft custom fillings. These restorations mimic the look of your healthy enamel, so you will not have to worry about the appearance of your tooth.

Making Sure Your Filling Blends In With Your Surrounding Tooth Structure

When someone who visits our practice is in need of a dental filling, we provide a lifelike restoration. The material used to craft custom fillings can be tinted to match the color of your enamel, so it is effectively camouflaged by its surroundings. By ensuring this color match, we can see to it that your filling is not a problem for your smile!

Why We Use Biocompatible Material For Your Filling

Dr. Tabakh uses fillings made from a biocompatible material that bonds directly with your enamel. This bonding process keeps your restoration secure, and it ensure that there are no spaces between the filling and your tooth. Why is this something to worry about? When metal fillings are used to repair teeth, they can leave slivers of space between the tooth and the restoration. Those spaces can grow over time, as metal fillings are more susceptible to changing shape when they are exposed to heat, and to cold temperatures. Even if the openings are too small for you to see, they can provide more than enough space for bacteria to enter.

The Relationship Between Cavity Care And Regular Dental Exams

Dental fillings are not used during every cavity treatment. If tooth decay damages too much of your tooth, a dental crown can be used instead. Crowns completely cover a tooth above your gum line, and they require the removal of more of your natural tooth structure than a filling would. If you want to avoid this treatment scenario, keep up with regular dental exams, as they present opportunities for Dr. Tabakh to identify small cavities that are not causing symptoms. If you do wind up suffering a more advanced cavity, you can be happy to know that our practice offers one-visit crowns that imitate natural teeth. As a result, you can have your work completed in less time than you expect, and remain confident in your smile.

Talk To Delightful Dental Care About Receiving A Modern Dental Filling

Delightful Dental Care is proud to offer our patients modern, lifelike restorations! If you have questions for us, or if you need to arrange a procedure, you can reach Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO by calling 816-942-7669!

Contact Us

To learn more, get answers to questions, or schedule a consultation with us, call Delightful Dental Care in Kansas City, MO, at 816-942-7669.

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